The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn." ~ Maria Montessori

Kinder Garten section provides innovative methods with solid aim to empower them which will promote little minds creative among students. We focus on the latest curriculum laying special emphasis on Child-Centric pedagogy involving the active participation of children in learning process, providing firm foundation for the development of a child's holistic personality. Acquisition of all the essential skills set the child to meet hurdles in future learning. Adequate infrastructure, smartrooms, playroom, children's park, play ground, efficient and dedicated teaching faculty and ancillary staff transform Arafa Kinder Garten a school with a difference. 

Above all special concentration to lay solid foundation for English communication, handwriting and student friendly approach are our distinguished features. Arafa kindergarten provides ample opportunities to ensure sound physical and mental health to pursue further education with positive mind set. Focussed on-hands on learning through exploring and experimenting and designing a series of exciting activities.

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